Quotes / A set of quotes printed as two seperate layers, a background blend of two colors and a layer of type printed using a third color. For these prints, the press was not cleaned off before adding the third color of ink. The blending and mixing of the various colors always created a unique mixture of color and texture for each print.
The Outdoors / The inspiration for this project was three or four tree cuts found in MICA’s Globe collection. A layer was printed, the cuts moved and repeated five or six times until it created a nice forest backdrop. Opaque white was set in two different phrases and printed on top.
Thank You Cards / A quick letterpress project. Printed some thank you cards using my typeface Mill. You can read more about The design and production of Mill here
Business Cards / The last letterpress project of the semester was a set of three simple business cards set and printed. The information was kept minimal to focus on texture and color.